Paul Reali

Paul Reali, MS, MBA
OmniSkills Founder & Principal
704.385.7371 * E-mail Paul

The Why and How of CPS, from Paul & ICSC Colleagues

Creativity Rising: Creative Thinking and Creative Problem Solving in the 21st Century, from ICSC Press. (Click the cover image to purchase or learn more.)

For even more on CPS, visit our companion site: CREATIVEPROBLEMSOLVING.COM.

What We Believe

We believe in creativity.

We believe that every person – including you and every person who works for you – has extraordinary creative potential and ambition. We believe that people who are allowed to apply their creativity to their life and work are happier, more productive, and more engaged. We believe that a workplace that supports creative thinking and creative behavior is a better workplace, the kind that makes a company into an employer of choice. The kind with high performance and low turnover. The kind that wins.

We believe in human creativity, and the difference it makes.

And we believe that we can help you to discover and mine your greatest source of untapped potential: the creativity of your people.

How We Do It

OmniSkills, the company, provides training, facilitation, and consulting, in three interrelated areas: creativity, collaboration, and change. Each area includes a set of competencies (which we define as knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them). These competencies (the "omniskills" from which we get our name) are the core competencies employees need to succeed in today’s workplace.

Our training builds these competencies in your people through directed learning activities. Our facilitation service provides a content neutral process facilitator to take your team through the Creative Problem Solving process. Our consulting practice puts our people side-by-side with yours, solving real problems while helping your people learn new skills and build their competencies at the same time.

How to Get Started

If you believe what we believe, we'd like to work with you.

Here's what to do now. You could read about our consulting and facilitation work, browse our standard courses, read about how we customize them for you, or just whistle for us.